Hi all,
haha, it's been a hectic week for me lol...
I'm now posting under the circumstances that my grandma has just died....
Well, i also don't know how to react lol...
Tmrw gonna get the 1st LOA from school for Thurs and Fri.....
Nothing had happened much this past few days lol...
Almost everyday going to school early in the mornning and doing assignments till at night....
Chionging assignments like zombies and trying to book the coms to use....
Wa... i seriously don't noe what else to type...
Just knowing that the next few days will be sleepness nights....
To tell the truth, i'm not feeling sad...
I'm not even feeling an emotions....
Looks like i will have to use my default face lol...
Tmrw going to be a long day...
1st thing would be to talk to the teachers.... to extend my dateline if possible....
haha...this is my 1st funeral i'm officially going to lol...
Wonder how it will be....
"Tonight will change our lives"
"It's so good to be by your side"
"But we'll cry"
"We won't give up the fight"
"We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs"
"And they'll think it's just cause we're young"
"And we'll feel so alive"
"Thought that everything was perfect"
"Isn't that how it's supposed to be?"
"Thought you thought that I was worth it"
"Now I think a little differently"
"All I wanted was your"
"Love love love love love love"
Well, that's all for now...
Its going to be a busy week for me...
So well.......
I also don't know lol....
Till next time then...