
Friday, July 18, 2008

The understanding of People

Hi all,

It's been 10 days since i've last posted...

Well, quite a number of things have happened during this time, lets start of with....

The complexity of a human brain is such that when a human couldn't gained the object the human desires, the human will then generate "stories", to obtain what they wanted in the 1st place. This is clearly seen in many cases and many has falled prey to it.
The effect of this "stories" is such that it's a tool for killing 2 birds with a stone. For it hurts the victim as well as people who are in close proximity of the victim.
Now the effects of it is that the victim may fall into a state of DEPRESSION while hearing these "stories", even though the victim may be unaffect in the 1st phrase, the effect of the "stories" are like a ripple in the water and will just grow bigger and bigger.
Those victim who are unaffected will then suffer as the people in their close proximity are affected by the "stories". This will then lead to ISOLATION, which will in turn cause the victim to suffer.
Only the rare few people aren't afraid of the "stories" and will continue be in close proximity with the victim, and if you're the lucky few victim, you will find that you are blissful within the circle of people.

I may sometimes go overboard with the things that i've done or the things that i've said.
So if anyone feels offended/uncomfortable with it, do feedback to me.
For i sometimes think back and found myself being so insistant,
Which causes lots of disputes and unnecessary unhappiness, which will end up in the act of drifting away.
Even my actions, which may be too uncouth and violent at times, will only cause peple to be miserable and end up hitting myself back.

People tends to judge on something and quickly jump onto a conclusion.
In this case, blaming on others is always a way out.
But little do people know that the person they blame may have reasons for doing so,
And little do they see that what they are looking at it but just a small portion of a big picture,
and that the decision madeby the person may be crucial for the survivial of something bigger.
Thus it is always better to clariffy before any conclusion is made, or before any doubt arise.

Living in a house full of complains is just what you don't need in the process of growing up.
For it may affect the thinking and actions of you which may lead to dire consequences.
But little do they know this, as hey continue to complain about all the small little things that happen.
Even if there's no link to the event, they will bridge a connection somehow and link it back to the past, thus implicating you into the blame.
If this do gets drastic, the solution may just be leaving the house and stop all these once and for all, but that'll have to be the last action ever done.

"I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do"
"And I've hurt myself by hurting you"
"Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit"
"Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss"
"You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this"

"There's something in your eyes"
"that's far too revealing"
"Why must it be like this a"
"love without feeling"
"Something's wrong with you I know"
"I see it in your eyes"
"Believe me when I say"
"It's gonna be okay"

Well, that's a few songs to end this nicely....
Well, in times of troubles and all, all you need is a little help from SOMEONE, and you'll feel much better at the end of the day, so do appreciate the SOMEONE in you life right now.
That's all that i've to say for now...
Till next time...


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